MQTT binding spec

Detailed documentation on the MQTT binding component

Component format

To setup MQTT binding create a component of type bindings.mqtt. See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: bindings.mqtt
  version: v1
  - name: url
    value: "tcp://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port]"
  - name: topic
    value: "topic1"
  - name: qos
    value: 1
  - name: retain
    value: "false"
  - name: cleanSession
    value: "false"

Spec metadata fields

FieldRequiredBinding supportDetailsExample
urlYInput/OutputAddress of the MQTT brokerUse **tcp://** scheme for non-TLS communication. Use**ssl://** scheme for TLS communication.
topicYInput/OutputThe topic to listen on or send events to"mytopic"
qosNInput/OutputIndicates the Quality of Service Level (QoS) of the message. Default 01
retainNInput/OutputDefines whether the message is saved by the broker as the last known good value for a specified topic. Default "false""true", "false"
cleanSessionNInput/Outputwill set the “clean session” in the connect message when client connects to an MQTT broker. Default "true""true", "false"
caCertRequired for using TLSInput/OutputCertificate authority certificate. Can be secretKeyRef to use a secret reference0123456789-0123456789
clientCertRequired for using TLSInput/OutputClient certificate. Can be secretKeyRef to use a secret reference0123456789-0123456789
clientKeyRequired for using TLSInput/OutputClient key. Can be secretKeyRef to use a secret reference012345

Communication using TLS

To configure communication using TLS, ensure mosquitto broker is configured to support certificates. Pre-requisite includes certficate authority certificate, ca issued client certificate, client private key. Here is an example.

kind: Component
  name: mqtt-binding
  namespace: default
  type: bindings.mqtt
  version: v1
  - name: url
    value: "ssl://host.domain[:port]"
  - name: topic
    value: "topic1"
  - name: qos
    value: 1
  - name: retain
    value: "false"
  - name: cleanSession
    value: "false"
  - name: caCert
    value: ''
  - name: clientCert
    value: ''
  - name: clientKey
    value: ''

Consuming a shared topic

When consuming a shared topic, each consumer must have a unique identifier. By default, the application Id is used to uniquely identify each consumer and publisher. In self-hosted mode, running each Dapr run with a different application Id is sufficient to have them consume from the same shared topic. However on Kubernetes, a pod with multiple application instances shares the same application Id, prohibiting all instances from consuming the same topic. To overcome this, configure the component’s ConsumerID metadata with a {uuid} tag, making each instance to have a randomly generated ConsumerID value on start up. For example:

kind: Component
  name: messagebus
  namespace: default
  type: bindings.mqtt
  version: v1
  - name: consumerID
    value: "{uuid}"
  - name: url
    value: "tcp://admin:public@localhost:1883"
  - name: topic
    value: "topic1"
  - name: qos
    value: 1
  - name: retain
    value: "false"
  - name: cleanSession
    value: "false"

Binding support

This component supports both input and output binding interfaces.

This component supports output binding with the following operations:

  • create