Redis binding spec

Detailed documentation on the Redis binding component

Component format

To setup Redis binding create a component of type bindings.redis. See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: bindings.redis
  version: v1
  - name: redisHost
    value: <address>:6379
  - name: redisPassword
    value: **************
  - name: enableTLS
    value: <bool>

Spec metadata fields

FieldRequiredBinding supportDetailsExample
redisHostYOutputThe Redis host address"localhost:6379"
redisPasswordYOutputThe Redis password"password"
enableTLSNOutputIf the Redis instance supports TLS with public certificates it can be configured to enable or disable TLS. Defaults to "false""true", "false"

Binding support

This component supports output binding with the following operations:

  • create

Create a Redis instance

Dapr can use any Redis instance - containerized, running on your local dev machine, or a managed cloud service, provided the version of Redis is 5.0.0 or later.

The Dapr CLI will automatically create and setup a Redis Streams instance for you. The Redis instance will be installed via Docker when you run dapr init, and the component file will be created in default directory. ($HOME/.dapr/components directory (Mac/Linux) or %USERPROFILE%\.dapr\components on Windows).

You can use Helm to quickly create a Redis instance in our Kubernetes cluster. This approach requires Installing Helm.

  1. Install Redis into your cluster.

    helm repo add bitnami
    helm install redis bitnami/redis
  2. Run kubectl get pods to see the Redis containers now running in your cluster.

  3. Add redis-master:6379 as the redisHost in your redis.yaml file. For example:

        - name: redisHost
          value: redis-master:6379
  4. Next, we’ll get our Redis password, which is slightly different depending on the OS we’re using:

    • Windows: Run kubectl get secret --namespace default redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" > encoded.b64, which will create a file with your encoded password. Next, run certutil -decode encoded.b64 password.txt, which will put your redis password in a text file called password.txt. Copy the password and delete the two files.

    • Linux/MacOS: Run kubectl get secret --namespace default redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode and copy the outputted password.

    Add this password as the redisPassword value in your redis.yaml file. For example:

        - name: redisPassword
          value: "lhDOkwTlp0"