
Detailed information on the Cassandra state store component

Component format

To setup Cassandra state store create a component of type state.cassandra. See this guide on how to create and apply a state store configuration.

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: state.cassandra
  version: v1
  - name: hosts
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-COMMA-DELIMITED-HOSTS> # Required. Example: cassandra.cassandra.svc.cluster.local
  - name: username
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-PASSWORD> # Optional. default: ""
  - name: password
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-PASSWORD> # Optional. default: ""
  - name: consistency
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-CONSISTENCY> # Optional. default: "All"
  - name: table
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-TABLE> # Optional. default: "items"
  - name: keyspace
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-KEYSPACE> # Optional. default: "dapr"
  - name: protoVersion
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-PROTO-VERSION> # Optional. default: "4"
  - name: replicationFactor
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-REPLICATION-FACTOR> #  Optional. default: "1"

Spec metadata fields

hostsYComma separated value of the hosts"cassandra.cassandra.svc.cluster.local".
portNPort for communication. Default "9042""9042"
usernameYThe username of database user. No default"user"
passwordYThe password for the user"password"
consistencyNThe consistency values"All", "Quorum"
tableNTable name. Defaults to "items""items", "tab"
keyspaceNThe cassandra keyspace to use. Defaults to "dapr""dapr"
protoVersionNThe proto version for the client. Defaults to "4""3", "4"
replicationFactorNThe replication factor for the calls. Defaults to "1""3"

Setup Cassandra

You can run Cassandra locally with the Datastax Docker image:

docker run -e DS_LICENSE=accept --memory 4g --name my-dse -d datastax/dse-server -g -s -k

You can then interact with the server using localhost:9042.

The easiest way to install Cassandra on Kubernetes is by using the Helm chart:

kubectl create namespace cassandra
helm install cassandra incubator/cassandra --namespace cassandra

This installs Cassandra into the cassandra namespace by default. To interact with Cassandra, find the service with: kubectl get svc -n cassandra.

For example, if installing using the example above, the Cassandra DNS would be:
