SQL Server

Detailed information on the SQL Server state store component

Component format

To setup SQL Server state store create a component of type state.sqlserver. See this guide on how to create and apply a state store configuration.

apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: state.sqlserver
  version: v1
  - name: connectionString
  - name: tableName
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-TABLE-NAME>  # Required.
  - name: keyType
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-KEY-TYPE>  # Optional. defaults to "string"
  - name: keyLength
    value: <KEY-LENGTH> # Optional. defaults to 200. Yo be used with "string" keyType
  - name: schema
    value: <SCHEMA> # Optional. defaults to "dbo"
  - name: indexedProperties
    value: <INDEXED-PROPERTIES> # Optional. List of IndexedProperties.

If you wish to use Redis as an actor state store, append the following to the yaml.

  - name: actorStateStore
    value: "true"

Spec metadata fields

connectionStringYThe connection string used to connect"Server=myServerName\myInstanceName;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;"
tableNameYThe name of the table to use. Alpha-numeric with underscores"table_name"
keyTypeNThe type of key used. Defaults to "string""string"
keyLengthNThe max length of key. Used along with "string" keytype. Defaults to "200""200"
schemaNThe schema to use. Defaults to "dbo""dapr","dbo"
indexedPropertiesNList of IndexedProperties."[{"ColumnName": "column", "Property": "property", "Type": "type"}]"
actorStateStoreNIndicates that Dapr should configure this component for the actor state store (more information)."true"

Create Azure SQL instance

Follow the instructions from the Azure documentation on how to create a SQL database. The database must be created before Dapr consumes it.

Note: SQL Server state store also supports SQL Server running on VMs.

In order to setup SQL Server as a state store, you need the following properties:

  • Connection String: the SQL Server connection string. For example: server=localhost;user id=sa;password=your-password;port=1433;database=mydatabase;
  • Schema: The database schema to use (default=dbo). Will be created if does not exist
  • Table Name: The database table name. Will be created if does not exist
  • Indexed Properties: Optional properties from json data which will be indexed and persisted as individual column

Create a dedicated user

When connecting with a dedicated user (not sa), these authorizations are required for the user - even when the user is owner of the desired database schema: