Kafka binding spec

Detailed documentation on the Kafka binding component


To setup Kafka binding create a component of type bindings.kafka. See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: bindings.kafka
  version: v1
  - name: topics # Optional. in use for input bindings
    value: topic1,topic2
  - name: brokers
    value: localhost:9092,localhost:9093
  - name: consumerGroup
    value: group1
  - name: publishTopic # Optional. in use for output bindings
    value: topic3
  - name: authRequired # Required. default: "true"
    value: "false"
  - name: saslUsername # Optional.
    value: "user"
  - name: saslPassword # Optional.
    value: "password"
  - name: maxMessageBytes # Optional.
    value: 1024


topicsN输入A comma separated string of topics"mytopic1,topic2"
brokersYInput/OutputA comma separated string of kafka brokers"localhost:9092,localhost:9093"
consumerGroupN输入A kafka consumer group to listen on"group1"
publishTopicY输出The topic to publish to"mytopic"
authRequiredYInput/OutputDetermines whether to use SASL authentication or not. Defaults to "true""true", "false"
saslUsernameNInput/OutputThe SASL username for authentication. Only used if authRequired is set to - "true""user"
saslPasswordNInput/OutputThe SASL password for authentication. Only used if authRequired is set to - "true""password"
maxMessageBytesNInput/OutputThe maximum size allowed for a single Kafka message. Defaults to 10242048


此组件支持 输入和输出 绑定接口。

字段名为 ttlInSeconds

  • create

Specifying a partition key

When invoking the Kafka binding, its possible to provide an optional partition key by using the metadata section in the request body.

The field name is partitionKey.

You can run Kafka locally using this Docker image. To run without Docker, see the getting started guide here.

curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/bindings/myKafka \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "data": {
          "message": "Hi"
        "metadata": {
          "partitionKey": "key1"
        "operation": "create"
